sábado, 12 de abril de 2008

The big picture in a small town

I finally charged my camera batteries and started to carry it around town and campus. As a result, I have some photos of my favourite Sackville graffiti. First, the Ninja Turtle created out of chipped stucco, and second, the "thesis" tag that I have seen around town.

I think the "thesis" tag is particularly funny - some strange combination of academics and delinquency. I hope whoever wrote it has actually written a thesis at some point. (By the way, I haven't. My roommate is currently in the throes of her first draft, to be submitted tomorrow.)

The semester is winding down; I have two more papers to submit, and no final exams. I am looking forward to reading, running, baking, sleeping, and maybe going on a road trip or two.

Since I have some extra time, I have been giving more campus tours. This week I gave a tour to a middle school group on their annual band trip. According to the kids, no festivals coincided with the trip, and so the group was travelling to Fredericton to see some museums and then to tour the Sydney mines. On the way, they stopped at Mt. A - the band teacher is a 1991 alumnus. It was fun to adjust the tour to kids who had no context for university - when I took them into auditoriums, meal hall and the library I could hear a whispers of "Whoa! This is huge!" I took them to see a residence, and all 15 of them piled into some poor girl's room. They took photos of the classrooms and the swan pond - everything was new and exciting. It was nice to be reminded of how bizarre and exciting university really is - I suppose we lose sight of the uniqueness of living and studying and eating together in big rooms on a small campus.

Just before the sun sets, campus looks particularly lovely. Here's a photo taken from the breezeway looking out at the chapel.

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